Double Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies 2.0 雙重朱古力燕麥曲奇2.0

These are soft cookies and they are fragile when taken fresh right out of the oven. Please let them cool on the cookie sheets on the wire rack. When you eat them within the same day, the cookie crust would be a bit crispy, thus making a contrast to the soft interior. If you let... Continue Reading →

HK Style Pineapple Buns (Sponge Method) v. 2 港式菠蘿包(中種法) v.2

Here’s the amended version of my HK Style Pineapple Buns. I have made slight adjustments mainly to make the crust look and taste better and adhere better to the bread so that the crust won’t come off after a few bits. 這是最新版本的中種菠蘿包做法,EC改動了酥皮的配方,改善了酥皮的上色情況,而且酥皮比以前更緊貼麵包,酥皮不會這麼容易在咬幾口後就掉出來。 HK Style Pineapple Buns (Sponge Method) v. 2 港式菠蘿包(中種法) v.2 Makes 10 10個份量... Continue Reading →

Vanilla Chiffon Cupcakes with Ganache Filling and Meringue Buttercream (2) 雲尼拿軟心戚風杯子蛋糕配蛋白奶油霜(2)

Here’s the newer and upgraded version of Vanilla Chiffon Cupcakes (Tang Mian Method) with Meringue Buttercream. The previous recipe involved warming the oil before mixing with the flour. And this time I’ve totally ditched this process. Compared to the traditional mixing method, this method in which the egg yolks are incorporated during the last stage... Continue Reading →

Chestnut Cake with Fresh Fruits 鮮果栗子忌廉蛋糕

Here’s a cake I made for a friend last month. Like I’ve mentioned in my previous blog post, Chocolate Chiffon Cupcakes (2), I switched to another method when I prepare my cake base. I’ve been using this for a couple of months and so far I’m pretty satisfied with it. 這是上個月為朋友做的蛋糕,EC在上一篇網誌朱古力戚風杯子蛋糕(2)中提及過自己最近改變了做蛋糕的方法。這個新方法已嘗試了幾個月,暫時都非常滿意。 Chestnut Cake with Fresh... Continue Reading →

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